Electric Vehicle Safety & Incident Management Training:
Fire Fighters/Rescue
Tow Operators
HOA Associations
Electrical Line Workers
Fleet Mechanics
All classes are taught on-location, and includes EVs, professional instructors in an engaging, hands-on environment.
EVsafe combines incident management and EV expertise to emergency incidents and building management.
EVsafe App for Mobile Devices now Available on the App Stores:
Our Mission:
Provide the most comprehensive safety knowledge and best practices to crews confronted with EV, solar & stationary battery incidents.
Electric vehicle sales in U.S. reached a “tipping point.” In the U.S., new electric vehicle sales have hit the magic five percent figure. “This threshold signals the start of mass EV adoption, the period when technological preferences rapidly flip,” argues Bloomberg. Five percent “seems to be the point when early adopters are overtaken by mainstream demand.”
July 2022 - Source: Bloomberg
Analysts forecast the Electric Vehicle market size to expand at a growth rate of 24.5% during 2022-2028.
March 2022 - Source: Facts & Factors
If you’ve attended any of our training sessions in the last 12 months, click the button below to ask our EVsafe trainers questions: